Eight Nations of Innovation
When does innovation become innovative? In a recent review, I stumbled across Rick Warren’s, talk from TEDxOrangeCoast. With innovation and discovery asking the right questio
Number One Thing to Know about Social Prestige
What’s the first thing people do when they sit down in a meeting? Especially a meeting with people they don’t know — they size up the room. They look for clues as
Most Important Thing About Social Networking
LinkedIn, Facebook, Ning, Pinterist, MySpace, Google+, Meetup are just some of the most popular social networking sites. But, What is the most important thing to remember about So
Inescapable network of mutuality
Social networks inescapably impact our lives. Even those Luddites yet to sign in to Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, are impacted. With events from the Arab Spring still unfolding
Innovation is elusive. We see only what we can see. The adage “I’ll believe it when I see it” illuminates our deep skepticism for the unknown and unseen. B
Creative design with vuja de
At Tom Kelley’s recent talk, he gave us a preview of his upcoming book “Creative Design” – which should be done this fall. But as Tom said with tongue-in-